Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Anointed One

I have been thinking about this concept of anointing, and reading about it in When Heaven Invades Earth... this idea of how Jesus was the Christ - which means "anointed one".  Anointing references the smearing of oil from the Old Testament, but the New Testament oil, and the oil with which Jesus was smeared, is the Holy Spirit.  It is the same oil that we are now to be smeared with, as priests ministering in the presence of our God.

The point I'm getting understanding in right now is that Jesus came to earth as a man, but He was anointed under the power of the Holy Spirit.  It was how He lived the sinless, miracle-filled life that He did.  It was how He manifested the Kingdom and revealed the Father.

But the reality is that we have access to the same Holy Spirit and the same anointing that He did.  Therefore, it stands to reason that we have the power and provision to live the same kind of sinless, miracle-filled life He did.  We just need to be living and walking in the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  So good!

Thanks God for the provision of Your Spirit!  Not only to comfort us and teach us, and lead us into all truth, but also to empower us to live righteously and supernaturally!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


The celebration of Pentecost is coming soon...50 days after Easter, just like it was in the days of Jesus. We celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that took place 10 days after Jesus ascended back into heaven after having rose from the dead.

I recently read about something so cool about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I've heard for awhile now about how the Israelites passing through the water symbolizes baptism, but now I have finally gotten the fuller picture of the whole thing. First, the Israelites were released from their captivity and experienced freedom for Egypt. This represents our initial salvation by faith, our release from bondage to sin and darkness. Then they passed through the Red Sea and God drowned their enemies. This represents water baptism where we declare before all of heaven and earth that we belong to Jesus, and our enemies have no hold on us any longer. But then there was a THIRD significant thing that happened. Another baptism! They eventually passed through another body of water, where God again did a miracle, when they crossed the Jordan river on their way to the Promised Land. THIS baptism represents the baptism of the Holy Spirit...without which we cannot inherit our promised land!

The Resources of Heaven at My Disposal

Because I am a citizen of heaven, and simply an ambassador of Jesus here on this earth, I actually have all the resources of heaven available to me.

Here's a brief list of some of the resources of heaven I can think of:
 -the love of God, both for myself and for others
-the power of God
-financial provision (He is the owner of the cattle on a thousand hills right?)
-emotional provision
-material provisions
-healing (no sickness or infirmities in heaven)
 -deliverance (no demons in heaven)
-strength & energy (God is not tired)
-angelic hosts and victory in warfare

 I just need to believe and access this all by faith! There's that word again... FAITH! :)

Awesome Grace - A Tour Guide not a Road Map

"When I treat the Bible as a road map I live as though I can find my way through my own understanding of His book. I believe this persepctive of scriptures actually describes living under the law, not living under grace. Living under the law is the tendency to deire a list of preset boundaries, and not a relationship. While both the Law and Grace have commandments, Grace comes with an inbuilt ability to obey what was commanded. Under Grace I don't get a road map...I get a tour guide--the Holy Spirit. He directs, reveals, and empowers me to be and do what the Word says." When Heaven Invades Earth, p. 93

Wow! This grace is truly so awesome! I get the empowerment, revelation and direction I need to actually understand and obey the Word of God! And once again, it is not about me and my own ability to read and study and understand, or to follow a map, a prescribed set of rules and methods, but to simply follow Him...wherever and however He leads me! Amazing!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Our Lack of Faith

(Please read previous post to understand my symbolism here)

How many of us Christians are staring at the fire hydrants around us, saying God CAN do this and CAN do that, but never hooking up our hoses (faith) and therefore never experiencing the reality of Him DOING it!?

I can't help but wonder if this is why Jesus asked the question in Luke 18:8 "However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?"

Grace & Faith

In order to learn how to walk by GRACE, God has had to teach me about the importance of faith.  I really believe it is the connecting point for receiving His grace.

In the same way that we receive the grace (gift) of salvation BY FAITH, we also receive the grace (gift) of the fullness of our inheritance in Jesus BY FAITH.

Hopefully the connection found in these verses is apparent.  And these are just a few that speak of the significance of our faith.  But to me it is as though the grace of God is a fire hydrant full of an abundance of His love, power, provision, and gifts.  And faith is my hose that I connect to it to actually be able to withdraw and receive that grace.  A fire hydrant on the side of the road with nothing hooked up to it is just that, a fire hydrant sitting there.  It is a powerhouse of potential, but without access to it, it cannot do anything.  I really feel as though the grace of God is just such a thing.  God has it there, full of power and potential, but He is simply waiting for us to begin to access it by faith.  He can't force us to take Him at His word and believe Him for things.  So, He patiently waits, waiting for His children to rise up and take the Kingdom by faith.

"Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God."  Romans 5:1-2

"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;"  Ephesians 2:8

"This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?"  Galatians 3:2-3

More Grace Thoughts

"...many approach the teachings of Jesus as just another form of the Law. To most He just brought a new set of rules. Grace is different from the Law in that the favor comes before the obedience. Under grace the commandments of the Lord come fully equipped with the ability to perform those who hear from the heart. Grace enables what it commands." Bill Johnson, When Heaven Invades Earth

 I LOVE this! How much I need the revelation of the truth that under grace the favor comes before the obedience, and that grace enables what it commands! What a good covenant we are under! Undeserved, unearned, unmerited favor... It actually isn't even dependent on my obedience!

I think what keeps coming up though is that the key is not obedience or behavior, but faith. 

I had a "low-grace" day today, not because God was withholding, but because I was not receiving well. I worried and fretted and tried to do things my own way in my own strength. And the day was full of blunders and did not go well at all, and most devastating of all was the fact that my heart was in a very restless and striving place all day.

 God, I'm sorry I didn't rest today and let You pour out Your grace on me. Please teach me and train me how to really walk by faith and to trust You and to not try to do things in my own strength and my own ways anymore. It is just too hard and never worth it. I want to receive Your favor and Your enablement by faith!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Revelation of Grace

I know I am now in a season of sowing into the revelation of grace that He has been slowly but surely allowing to sneak up on me bit by bit over the last 3 years.  It has already radically changed my life, to the point that I've wondered if I even understood the Gospel after 20 years of following Him.  But I know there is a much deeper revelation and experiencing of this Gospel of grace that I am meant to walk in.  I am looking forward to this...and quite unsure of what this is all going to mean and how it will look!  But of this one thing I am very hopeful of:  that my life will never be the same!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Supernatural Parenting

I can't do this whole parenting thing. It is really the thing in my life that is showing me more than anything else how much I have to have Jesus living through me instead of me trying to do it myself. When I try to rely on my own strength, wisdom, abilities, I just fall so far short. I'm starting to finally get it...He just wants me on my knees in complete desperation, total dependence on Him. Lord, help me to really live this out.