Tuesday, April 10, 2012

More Grace Thoughts

"...many approach the teachings of Jesus as just another form of the Law. To most He just brought a new set of rules. Grace is different from the Law in that the favor comes before the obedience. Under grace the commandments of the Lord come fully equipped with the ability to perform them...to those who hear from the heart. Grace enables what it commands." Bill Johnson, When Heaven Invades Earth

 I LOVE this! How much I need the revelation of the truth that under grace the favor comes before the obedience, and that grace enables what it commands! What a good covenant we are under! Undeserved, unearned, unmerited favor... It actually isn't even dependent on my obedience!

I think what keeps coming up though is that the key is not obedience or behavior, but faith. 

I had a "low-grace" day today, not because God was withholding, but because I was not receiving well. I worried and fretted and tried to do things my own way in my own strength. And the day was full of blunders and did not go well at all, and most devastating of all was the fact that my heart was in a very restless and striving place all day.

 God, I'm sorry I didn't rest today and let You pour out Your grace on me. Please teach me and train me how to really walk by faith and to trust You and to not try to do things in my own strength and my own ways anymore. It is just too hard and never worth it. I want to receive Your favor and Your enablement by faith!

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