Sunday, October 16, 2011

First Fruits

the idea of giving God our first and best is such a beautiful and yet challenging concept

it shows where our heart really lies and also how robust our faith really is

God, here is the first fruits of my money...I will trust You to provide all I need to eat and live on with the rest, even when it isn't enough

God, here is the first fruits of my time...I will trust You to provide enough time to do all the other things I need to do, even when there doesn't seem to be enough time left to do it all

God, here is the first fruits of my energy...I will trust You to provide enough energy to live out this life You've called me to as I rest and trust in You

Friday, October 14, 2011

Trust & Rest

Right up there with the concept of Be Still and Know is the Kingdom truth of Trust and Rest

I've learned that a vital component to the Christian life is trust
faith and trust are very similar, if not almost exact synonyms...
and we all know how important faith is in the life of a believer

but trusting in the Lord seems to be a more specified type of faith, the type of faith where we are really resting in God and in who He is and what He has told us... we are trusting Him, instead of fearing and striving and worrying

There are so many millions of things in this world to worry about or be afraid of.  As a mom, it can be so easy to start to get anxious about all the bad things that could happen to my children or the crazy world that they are growing up in.  But anxiety about these things accomplishes nothing other than to rob my peace and joy...

So, I return to the bedrock truth of the fact that no matter what, I must lean on the Lord Jesus Christ and put my trust in Him alone.

Thank You Jesus, that in a fallen world full of sin and junk, You are trustworthy.  Though this world will fail me, You will never fail me, and I can trust in You.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Be Still and Know

striving, running, fretting, hurrying...all so common in our world today

and then He speaks to us the simple, the profound:

Be Still and Know that I am God


How?! Do I even know how to do such a thing?

Jesus, help me!

It's not about what I'm doing, where I'm going, what I'm saying, but what I'm KNOWING...better yet WHO I AM KNOWING

and to really truly know, I must stop, rest, be still, cease striving, and come to KNOW my Savior in the fullness of all He really is and all the LOVE He desires to give

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I Love Being at Home

in thinking about the title of my blog, Various Thoughts from the Homefront, I was reflecting on how much I enjoy being at home.

It seems like almost every time I leave my house, things get stressful for me.  Not that things are always so peaceful at home all the time, but there is an element of peace in just being in the place where we have the things we need, we feel free and known, there is no rush to get anywhere, and we are at HOME.

The comparison with our Father is obvious I think... but as I went to bed last night, I realized God wants to take me into a deeper revelation of knowing Him as Father, and the peace and freedom in that relationship, that He truly is my HOME.  The place where I have all I need, the place where I am free and known, the place where there is no rush to get anywhere, the place of peace and comfort...

Abba, thank You for being my true home.  The place I can come to and crawl up in your lap and just be...

Monday, October 10, 2011

read two chapters from "the Furious Longing of God" today

Brennan Manning... gotta read his stuff!  Its amazing!

Here are my thoughts from the day that God brought from this book --
God not only loves us, but He really likes us so much, and it really has nothing to do with anything I do or don't do, all I have to do is be me and learn how to receive His furious LOVE!

Thank You God!  Thank You for Your relentless love for me, that even when I forget, or get mad, or get offended, or get depressed, or get lazy, Your love never fails or falters and You don't get angry with me or sad with me, You just continue to long for me like You always did and always will.


I've Started so many blogs over the years... but what the hey!

prophetic word given to me this weekend -- anointing on my writing and that it may spark intercession for others as they read my writing... hmmmm... sounds cool, but really?

well, guess I thought I'd at least give it a try and see if I could more consistently blog, which means they will be SHORT and sweet (hopefully) and maybe will truly spark some prayer, for me as well as others...